Bamboo flooring quality
“The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of a cheap price”

The above statement has never been so true when it concerns prefinished bamboo and timber flooring. Over the last few years we have seen many flooring businesses come and go.
All of them have had the same approach – if we make it cheaper we can sell more. There are a number of shortcuts that can be taken in the manufacture of prefinished timber & bamboo flooring that make it cheaper. The results of these shortcuts are not always noticeable upon first inspection, but can be devastating to the home owner. In fact, over the last several years we have heard of numerous floors that have failed due to splitting, cupping, delamination and non-durable finishes.
Another common way to reduce the price is to use cheaper installers. Some have experience working with solid timber floors but are largely unskilled and do not have the attention to detail required to install a premium prefinished timber or bamboo floor. At Bamboozle we only import the worlds best quality timber and bamboo raw materials that have been proven for Australian conditions. Bamboozle installers are fine-grade craftsmen that install your floor to the uncompromising Bamboozle specification with the level of craftsmanship usually only seen in fine furniture making.
Bamboozle in conjunction with our partner factories have developed a superior flooring product that has given our customers total peace of mind. Bamboozle’s range of prefinished timber & bamboo flooring was developed by us to solve these problems. There are a number of steps that are essential to making Bamboozle flooring suitable for Australian conditions. One of the visual differences was the addition of a cross-laminated centre layer – this essentially helps stabilise the surface of the board and prevents cupping and warping from occurring.
There are also another 5 critical steps in the manufacturing of the Bamboozle floorboard that improves the stability compared to solid timber and compressed grain bamboo floorboards. These extra steps include controlled moisture content, improved seasoning, a superior European glue formulation and system, improved pressure control, hot pressing and scientifically tested balancing times. Even though the Bamboozle floorboard costs considerably more to make, this is a much smarter choice and becomes an investment considering the flooring has to perform in your home for many years to come. It wouldn’t make sense to make these changes if the benefit to our customers was not significant.
It is worth mentioning that having the centre layer does not reduce the amount of times you can sand the floor and in many cases it allows you to have more board life (i.e. if the floor cups you will always get a reduced sanding life). On any wooden or compressed bamboo floor you can only sand the surface down until you reach the tongue and groove of the board. Since we started implementing this technology several years ago, we have installed Bamboozle floors into over 6000 homes without a repeat of the significant problems associated with compressed grain flooring. No other commercial flooring supplier in Australia has committed as many resources as Bamboozle in research and development to ensure your floor will look as great in 30 years as it does the day it is installed.